Blissfully Fit Blog

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

A MYBO Student's Experience with the 90 day challenge

I joined Mind Your Body Oasis on January 18 and learned about the challenge programs shortly thereafter.  I actually signed up for the 30 Day Challenge but quickly changed my mind to the 90 Day Challenge. I figured win big or go home, a challenge is supposed to be a challenge, something difficult, on the other hand I tried to convince myself it's just yoga for Pete’s sake how hard could it be?

This yoga immersion, (twice a day, before and after work) was meant to be therapy for a running injury, a stubborn sciatica issue, it's been a nagging pain (literally in the butt) for months and my cross fit workout sprints were not agreeing with it, cycling in the saddle was also a no-go.  So I decided a mini yoga sabbatical might just be the ticket.  Besides I wanted to improve some of my balance issues and thought what better way than with a few yoga classes with the yoga gurus at Oasis. My local gym did have a visiting yoga instructor but I wasn't getting the frequency of sessions I thought I would need since shelving my other activities.

 My uber ego and smug confidence said I could make every class a hot class in the 90 Day Challenge and still have plenty of time for happy hour.  As you may guess, after a few classes reality began to set in.  Hot classes were hot, I sweat profusely and my mat often became a mini swamp.  "Eeeew," I imagined my yogi neighbors were thinking while noticing my massive puddles of sweat.  Know your enemy, it is the weakness within. The Challenge is not a contest against other members; It had become a contest against my own worst enemy, me.  Every day we have an opportunity to make a choice, yes or no, (Doughnut/No doughnut, Train/Don’t train).  But this is important to note, not everyone has the opportunity to train consistently due to obligations and personal responsibilities.  Our success is scalable to the degree that we have improved any iota from our past, and we keep moving forward instead of idling or going backwards.

 Often I questioned my resolve only to tell myself just show up and take Child's Pose, the rest will take care of itself.  And amazingly it did, the guru instructors always said listen to your body, know your limits, push when you can.  There are no grades or pass/fail stickers at the end of class.  Just show up.  Sometimes motivation arrives only when you walk through the door.  

 Do what you don't like.  (Apologies Amanda), I don't like hot yoga; I don't like Hatha, shocking blasphemy! It highlights how weak my balance is, us guys (And girls) don't like to look weak.  Reality check: Someone is always more flexible, stronger, prettier, balanced and luckier than you. Stop comparing and start improving.

 On the bar front, my local pub stopped seeing me so often, I was concerned my frequent visitor name plate “Motorcycle Chris” was going to be unceremoniously ripped off the wall of fame for lack of attendance (Some of you have been there, I think).  But on the upside my weight was improving, the sciatica improving, and an element of increased social and professional tolerance was coming over me.  Funny thing about yoga (Side Bar), people of all shapes and sizes don't necessarily correlate to what you may think their athletic or lack of athletic ability is, another lesson in judgment. 

  I hit many walls in this challenge sometimes on a daily basis, mainly in commitment, (some black and blue toes too, but I’ve had much worse) ultimately telling myself “Just one more bloody day.” (Irish brogue required).  I didn't do all hot classes, I signed up for classes that I didn't make it to, but….every day was a new day to start again.  In the end forget the numbers, forget the successes, count the failures that’s where the real learning starts.

  The Challenge Program is a tool, a devious tool; I may have learned something along the way.  You are very sly guru teachers.


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