Blissfully Fit Blog

Monday, August 3, 2015

Congratulations to August Student of the Month Margo C!

Meet Margo, August's Student of the Month: Margo is an Attorney for a federal law enforcement agency. Born and raised in Colorado, she moved to this area after law school.

"I met my amazing husband in DC and we live in the Capitol Hill neighborhood. I love to laugh, cook, scrapbook, play chess, travel, go to sporting events, read, brunch, spend time with my family, and of course practice yoga! I am very passionate about my family. I have a large immediate family that is continuously growing! My parents are my heroes and family is everything to me."

What might you not know about Margo: Each of my three siblings was born in a different country! 

Margo is motivated to practice yoga because: I took my first yoga class over 7 years ago and practiced off and on until I found MYBO. This studio has been very welcoming and I am fortunate and grateful to practice at MYBO as much as I do. I have received so much support and guidance from all of the teachers (particularly my Guru, Soozie!) and I am continuously inspired by the many friends I have made. Yoga truly connects and bonds people and MYBO brings so much light to my daily life.

"Yoga is incredibly pure to me and I am dedicated to a consistent practice because it gives me such a positive outlook. When I leave yoga class my mind always feels clearer, lighter, and happier."

The biggest physical/mental health benefit Margo has noticed: Yoga (particularly hot yoga!) has humbled me and given me strength and confidence that I didn’t know existed. There is so much power and positivity in the practice and it reminds me that when my mind is in a positive place, my body, energy, and attitude will naturally follow. Yoga is physically challenging but it is also playful and it keeps me grounded and open minded. Through yoga, I am constantly learning new things about myself and my surroundings. It has been a truly transformative process (both mentally and physically)!

For those of you considering trying out our studio: Why not give it a try?!? Whether it is to relieve stress, detox, relax, increase strength, flexibility, or mobility; yoga will change your life. There is so much to gain. The benefits are endless!

To stay centered and calm in our hectic world, Margo recommends: Practicing mindfulness and focusing on my breath helps me put things in perspective and stay focused on what is really important. Taking a few deep breaths helps me let go of things and yoga reminds me that there is beauty to be found in everything.

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