Blissfully Fit Blog

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

What It Means To Be A Yoga Teacher: Information Session

Have you closed your eyes and wished that yoga could be more of a lifestyle? That you had more time to do more of it? Maybe you have imagined how cool it would be to be a teacher? 

Even if teaching is not in your vision taking 200 hours for your own personal, emotional and spiritual development will be a life changing experience. It does take a huge commitment. It takes time, money and energy but what in life doesn't? Often we don't feel the need to give ourselves this sort of gift. It will be challenging, yet fulfilling at the same time. You will not be the same person as when you entered. 

Common things I hear on why someone doesn't want to do a teacher training: 
  • It is too much money- yes it is a very expensive endeavor. You are worth it right? Sometimes life asks us to take a leap, an unexpected decision can change how you view yourself, life and abundance. 
  • I don't have enough time- yes who does? Like anything that you decide to do in life once you make a choice life aligns to support you. 
  • I can't do headstand, I can't be a teacher- These were my own words. This is why you do an intensive like this because it is going ask you to step out of your comfort zone and discover your potential. 
  • I have too many other things going on- I get it this life, it is constantly going and it always will. The timing definitely has to be right in your heart. 
This will be an information session for those of you who have the calling and yearning inside but are filled with doubt and fear. Let's talk it out and see if now is the time. Make your choice from inspiration and hope rather than fear. Let your intuition guide you.

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