You can now see our group classes, private lessons, workshops and retreats and easily register for them. Want to learn more about a particular class style or read up on a new class to try? Look under the Classes tab to Styles. Want to take your yoga practice to a deeper level or lead others in their practice? Look at our Teacher Training tab and see if this path is calling you!
Beyond the yoga and pilates, we have so much more:
- Spa services: Massage, Facials, and our miracle machine the Far Infraed Sauna. (Disclaimer: the sauna doesn't literally produce miracles. But it does do a lot of pretty cool things) What is the Far Infrared Sauna, you ask?
Rather than heating the air (as a traditional sauna will), our Far Infrared Sauna provides direct heat, allowing far infrared rays to penetrate deep into the body where they gently elevate its surface temperature and activate major bodily functions. Far Infrared treatments can help increase blood flow, stimulate metabolism, rebuild injured tissue, and relax the mind and your muscles.
- Integrative Wellness: MYBO services are based on a holistic approach to wellness. Our treatments stem from a belief that we can accomplish more by first finding and acknowledging the root of mental and physical pain, suffering, and illness. We seek to heal the whole body through nutrition, massage, and lifestyle changes, rather than merely treating symptoms. And lastly, we work with clients to develop individualized and sustainable coping skills.
- Are you an organization looking to support your employees? We fully support these efforts; healthy employees are effective and happy employees. Mind Your Body Oasis can offer a full onsite program at your location. See our corporate wellness offerings under our Corporate Wellness tab.
- We have retail therapy too.
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