Blissfully Fit Blog

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Yoga: The Art of Transformation

Did you know that the world's first exhibition of yogic art is happening now, just down the road? 

Until January 26th, the Smithsonian's Sackler Gallery is host to "Yoga: The Art of Transformation".  Temple sculptures, devotional icons, vibrant manuscripts, and court paintings have been brought together from all over the world to illustrate yoga's dynamic history.  The exhibition borrows from twenty-five museums and private collections in India, Europe, and the United States.  The exhibition also examines the varied roles that yogis and yoginis played in society, from sages to spies.
The collection contains more than 120 objects from 25 different museums and private collections.  The objects focus on how different practices of yoga have moved across boundaries of different religious and cultural traditions.
Visitors to the exhibit will see some of the greatest masterpieces in Indian art dating back hundreds of years. As a visitor moves through the exhibit they will examine how the idea of yoga was circulated worldwide and how perceptions of yoga helped determine how the tradition developed.

If you have been practicing yoga for some time or are new to yoga, this is a great opportunity to not only learn more about the history behind yoga but to see there is much more to yoga than postures and breathing.

Field Trip!
MYBO will be hosting a group field trip on November 28th at 11:00 am to explore the exhibit.  The trip will be hosted by our very own Soozie, so you will be in great company and will most likely leave inspired to grow your yoga practice.  Meet as group at MYBO at 11:00 am and take as much time as you like to explore the exhibit! This is a great way to spend your Thanksgiving morning before settling down to feast! Bring your family and friends to also enjoy this experience with you! All are welcome!

Photo from The Sackler Gallery-Yoga: The Art of Transformation

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