Blissfully Fit Blog

Monday, December 9, 2013

2014 Yoga Challenge!

2014 is just around the corner! What challenges do you plan to tackle in 2014? What plans to do you have to better yourself? How do you plan to start the new year off right?

We invite you to make yoga a part of your new year. If you have never done yoga, just started practicing or are a seasoned yogi, there is always room for personal growth and experiencing the benefits of yoga.

Starting January 1st, Mind Your Body Oasis will be sponsoring the 2014 Yoga Challenge! 

Why a yoga challenge?
We love challenges because it pushes our students to really plan around how to fit yoga into their life.  Our daily lives are often filled with other commitments that take priority and we fail to make time for ourselves. Our students are very goal oriented in their daily lives so when they commit to a yoga challenge, yoga gets prioritized on their long list of to-dos (and selfishly we get to see more of their smiling faces!).

Between squeezing in a yoga class and finishing up that work project, challengers experience the benefits of repeated practice. They find that they are more centered, they are able to work through stressful situations with ease,  their flexibility improves, they have increased energy and they experience an increase in self confidence.  In addition to reaping the benefits of regular exercise, challengers begin to develop healthy habits and learn how to prioritize exercise into their every day life.

Yoga challenges also encourage challengers to try new classes and develop new skills!

The Challenge
Are you ready to challenge yourself physically and mentally?? Of course you are! The 2014 Yoga Challenge starts on Jan 1!

  • If you complete 30 classes at MYBO within 30 days, you will be rewarded with 1 week of unlimited classes in February!
  • If you complete 60  classes at MYBO within 60 days, you will be rewarded with 2 weeks of unlimited classes to be used in March!
  • If you complete 90 classes at MYBO within 90 days, you will be rewarded with one month of unlimited classes to be used in April!
Extra reward! If you complete the 90 days challenge with ONLY hot classes, you will be entered into a raffle for a grand prize of 6 months of unlimited yoga, free nutrition consulting, and 10 Far infared sessions. ($1075 value!!!)
Note: Challengers are able to take up to 2 classes per day to make up for missed days. 

Sign up! Commit to a better you in 2014.  Stop by MYBO front desk and sign up. 

Participants will be invited to a join a group Facebook page where additional challenge information will be distributed and where you can meet fellow challengers! 

We look forward to practicing with you in 2014! 

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