Blissfully Fit Blog

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Manifestation and Affirmation

Welcome to 2014, your New Year!

The new you some would say, but I say welcome to the whole you and embracing and meeting yourself as you truly are, maybe for the first time ever.  In this meeting, I hope you realize your magnificence.  In your efforts to create more discipline in your life, let go of something and create a new pattern or habit that you accept yourself as you have been and as you are, so you can fully embrace the you that is here and waiting for you to emerge.
What kind of relationship do you have with your mind?  Does your mind control you?  Does it run wild like a monkey free from it's cage with no control?  We could all probably agree that at times we feel this way.  That there is no way to stop the influx of thoughts and no way to slow them down.  When you have those days, do you notice how it effects the rest of you?  You make feel anxious, tired, frustrated and your physical body may even feel ungrounded and lethargic.  What these observations help us see is a) everything is connected mind, body, heart and b) thought forms are an energy that when left unattended to can start to rule our lives.  When we think of energy as a presence that exists in everything, we want a presence in our lives that is light, makes us feel uplifted, right?
Yoga and meditation really asks you to get to know yourself, ALL of yourself.  When we accept that we are a bit neurotic, dramatic, negative, angry and scattered, we can then release it and what happens is we start to the see the opposite of those qualities reveal themselves inside.  The practices of yoga will uncover all of your stuff, the good and the bad and over time you will see that they are the same.  Now the goal becomes not changing yourself but setting different intentions. 
What do you truly want in your life?  If you had no fear, doubt or insecurity.  If your rational, logical mind could hush and you could believe that anything is possible, what would you create?  What do you dream of? Manifestation is not only goal setting, but it is working through all those patterns, and thoughts that stand in the way of you believing in yourself.  When the energy of your mind becomes dense, heavy, stuck and stagnant, think the opposite and affirm something great, in the moment.  If you think you are unintelligent and you can not get that project done in time, think, say and affirm, "I am intelligent beyond measure."  "I manage my time with utmost skill and I can accomplish anything."

There is a yoga sutra that helps us practice this:
YS II.33 Vitarka badhane pratipaksha bhavanam
When disturbed by disturbing thoughts think the opposite. 
Simple right?

Really, most of the wisdom in the world is very simple but what is not so simple is practicing it.  Making positivity your sadhana, your daily, moment-to-moment commitment and practice.  It does not make you super human in the sense that you will be so positive nothing effects you and you will better than anyone else in the world.  The gift you receive is yourself, that you are beautifully human.  Accepting all of you and believing in the reality of your dreams.  That every thought, word and action you do is sending an energy out into the world to attract to you something else.  So you have to ask yourself what do you want to attract?  That may be enough for you to commit to affirmations in your manifestation.  Surround yourself with other people who want to do the same.  That is why a yoga community is so powerful.  We remind each other that we are already bright and shiny and we just need to be repolished by our own intentions.
Be excited for your now and what is next.  It is the one life we have been given to share with others. 
Happy 2014.

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