Blissfully Fit Blog

Monday, August 24, 2015

You Had a Bad Day. Now Get Back on the Mat.

It happens: the class you spend a majority of in a rest pose; you're ill prepared for whatever reason; mentally you're not present; and it affects your practice that day. The next class you're determined to do better but are a bit apprehensive. Now how do you get back on the mat?

So many things can influence how we as humans function on a daily operational basis and on a much deeper emotional and intellectual basis. They can be normal life cycles; a poor night's rest; the food we eat; external stressors; even the things we do habitually. And these things give us positive or negative reactions. When something that usually provides comfort, like yoga, is uncomfortable we react strongly.

But what if you could take a moment to just understand the experience for what it is? For what it was? You have bad days. You will have days where you struggle. Even with yoga, something we are taught will bring us freedom and happiness and joy. These days should be seen as a gift because they allow us to be quiet and assess, and teach us not to judge. Comparison is the thief of joy. Coming to your mat for the purpose of observing and understanding is more impactful and powerful to your practice and will help you attain the freedom from your thoughts and feelings. Understanding your body, observing your experiences and learning from them is part of your yoga practice.

The human nature is to seek pleasure and anytime discomfort is felt, our instinct is to run. And when we experience discomfort it should not be judged negatively but explored with curiosity. Instead of running, yoga gives you a place to explore, be quiet and observe. Take the seat of the observer and surrender to a whole new aspect of your practice.

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